Finding time

I have this goal to clear my house by Christmas. I want to kon Marie every room, only keeping what I love. My hope is by the end every item will have a home, that is easy to access so everything can be put away. Does anyone just have thing accumulate around the house?

I tend to get a pile of paperwork build. I hate paperwork. I need a system so as it comes in the house it can be homed. What system do you all use? I’d love some Inspiration.

Getting back to my plan. I started decluttering my wardrobe. All going great, but I have a lot of random thi gs in my room, things that need to be homed, I put in my room because I like the rest of the house tidy. ?

I made a good dent on my bedroom, lots of bags to charity, cleared away most of my jewelry, because let’s face it, I have kids and never wear it anymore. Started clearing out all from under my ottoman bed.

There is still lots to do, and I’m struggling to find the time, and loose enthusiasm if I can’t get it done and see the results. I’m pretty impatient I guess. Haha please send help!